Happy new year friends!
I hope your holiday was restful because Dante and I are about to take you on a whole new journey, this time through purgatory.
About a week ago, a friend was talking about their hopes for the new year and they said that 2022 had been the year of contending with their demons. 2023, they hoped, will be the year of climbing out of their hole and into the sunshine again.
“JuSt LiKe DaNtE” I thought to myself, and while I didn’t say that to them (I’m a better friend than that) I can’t think of a better way to summarise the plot of the Divine Comedy thus far.
So let’s get climbing!
Just like last year, I’ll give you a week or so to get a hold of a copy of Purgatorio, so the first canto will be coming to you on Sunday the 22nd of January.
And this year we will be having twice the fun, because I will also start Inferno from the beginning, for the people who have only recently found me.
If you’re new here and want to read Inferno with us, please check out the INFERNO newsletter.
Just shared with Friends on FB. You did such a great job on INFERNO. Really looking forward to your guidance through PURGATORY.